
El efecto Eggers

Hoy en The Art Of Fiction

With his journals, magazines, books, websites, CDs, readings, and other pseudo-happenings, writer and editor Dave Eggers has built a truly alternative literary culture. The flagship of Eggers's mini-empire, the literary quarterly McSweeney's, has published academic pieces on art next to killed bits from Saturday Night Live, and had covers that mimic scientific journals and pulp novels. His magazine, The Believer, ventures seamlessly from articles on subjects like reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the context of the war in Iraq to interviews with people like Errol Morris and Liz Phair.

A lo mejor ya es mucho joder con este tipo. Pero detrás del culto que se le rinde y del cotilleo que provoca la afamada McSweeney's, Dave Eggers conserva lo que le hizo volverse casi un ícono de la nueva generación de lectores ansiosos de escritores inteligente e irónicos, su innegable calidad literaria. No sé si me di a entender. Lo que digo es que este cabrón (perdón si alguien se ofende pero no me pagan por esto), sigue escribiendo historias de primer nivel. Continúa:

posted by Unknown @ 12:14 AM,


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John Travolta

John lives in Toronto and is a freelance illustrator and a designer/animator for CHUM Television. He writes about , design, and visual culture under the pseudonym Robot Johnny

Claire Robbinson

Claire Robertson is an illustrator and toy from Melbourne, Australia. While her illustration clients have included The New York Public Library, Scholastic and Cambridge University Press, it’s her blog that brings her the most joy and which has attracted the most attention with rave reviews in the Wall Street Journal, WIRED Magazine and The Guardian.

About This Blog

This blog is a multi-author blog devoted to illustration, art, cartooning and drawing. Its purpose is to inspire creativity by sharing links and resources. Albert Einstein said, “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources,” but what the hell did he know anyway? The site was conceived by John, like all good ideas, while goofing off at work.

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